How Big is the Addressable Market for the Legal Industry?
The total addressable market for the global legal industry is $3 Trillion, according to page 8 of the Intapp SEC S-1 filing. Does it add up?
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Monthly report on trends with a focus on stats
The total addressable market for the global legal industry is $3 Trillion, according to page 8 of the Intapp SEC S-1 filing. Does it add up?
We recently received several cries on how hard it is to raise venture capital for a startup in law, why? Valuation
Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) seems like nitro for investors but capitalizing on this trend starts with lawyers and startups.
We’ll give three reasons why the legal profession doesn’t buy tech. Stop the gaslighting because all three are legit.
You need capital to build a better product or broadcast to a wider audience. In order to capture customers and compete, start here.
Ever dreamed of a Bloomberg Terminal for the legal market? Instantly identify shifting demands for Legal or Regulatory solutions?
I suspect we all want to forget this year ever happened. However I do want to savor a few precious pills of wisdom. the beginning
Legal and Tax tech funding 2016 to date: 2021 hits a new high? Legal IT Insider
Interview CEO and co-Founder Raymond Blijd in DeJurist
Which advanced tech receives most VC cash? Legalcomplex in Legal IT Insider
Legalpioneer featured on LawSites
by Robert Ambrogi
Spark Legal Tech Dashboard Launches, Shows M&A + Funding Data on Artificial Lawyer
Legalcomplex data in “Robot Judge has Arrived” cited in De Telegraaf
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